MPC Angel Program

An MPC Angel is someone who anonymously sponsors the membership of another Peaker.

It’s a concept that grew organically out of Peakers’ kindness and their desire to share the MPC2016 Prep Program with those who couldn’t afford it. More than 250 people were sponsored into the 2016 program by an Angel, the vast majority of whom were strangers.

That generosity of spirit has continued since 2016, with hundreds more Peakers joining the program through the kindness of other Peakers.

If you would like to donate to the Angel Program, you can purchase an Angels gift card here. We will then apply those funds to gift a membership to someone on the waiting list for an Angel.

If you are interested in being sponsored to join MPC, please fill out the form below. We will then add your name to the waiting list and will contact you if and when you’ve been matched with a sponsor.